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Title Genre Date From To

Modern Family: Schooled Claire and Phil embarrass Haley when they drop her off at college Manny makes Gloria and Jay take a class Lily gets into a tussle on her first day of kindergarten.


01.02.24 Th. 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Snip Phil gets a vasectomy Gloria and Jay can t agree on whether or not they should find out the sex of the baby Mitchell tries to steer Cameron toward getting a part-time job.


01.02.24 Th. 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Bringing Up Baby Phil takes Jay on an unconventional fishing trip Gloria wonders how to break the news about her pregnancy Dylan temporarily moves in with the Dunphys Cam and Mitch think about adopting a cat.


31.01.24 Wed 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Baby on Board While Gloria helps Cam and Mitch pursue an adoption opportunity Jay and Manny baby-sit Lily Alex attends her first prom Haley makes a shocking announcement about her plans for the future.


31.01.24 Wed 00:00 00:30

Extended Family: The Consequences of Status When Treys high profile gets him out of a speeding ticket Julia and Jim worry about the message it sends to their children causing Trey to try to get another ticket on purpose.


30.01.24 Tue 20:30 21:00

Modern Family: Tableau Vivant Gloria and Jay bicker while trying to order lunch at a diner Claire and Cam have different theories on how to discipline kids Luke accepts an award under false pretenses.


30.01.24 Tue 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Disneyland When the family travels to Disneyland Phil struggles to keep up with Luke Claire is stunned when they run into Dylan Cam and Mitch must curb Lilys new penchant for running.


30.01.24 Tue 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Virgin Territory Mitchell ruins one of Jays proudest moments Phil overhears something about one of his daughters Gloria accidentally discovers Claires secret.


27.01.24 Sat 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Send Out the Clowns Cameron runs into his estranged ex-clown partner Bobby Cannavale another real estate agent Ellen Barkin snags a listing that Phil was trying to land Jay and Gloria are suspicious when Manny makes a ne


27.01.24 Sat 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Aunt Mommy After selling a house to Mitch and Camerons friends Claire and Phil plan a celebratory dinner overindulging in drinks leads to over sharing.


26.01.24 Fri 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Little Bo Bleep Claire prepares for her debate with Duane Bailey Mitch and Cam try to clean up Lilys language before her turn as a flower girl Jay blames Stellas strange behavior on Gloria.


26.01.24 Fri 00:00 00:30

Young Sheldon: German for Beginners and a Crazy Old Man With a Bat The gambling room gets broken into Sheldon wants to study abroad Missy makes a new friend.


25.01.24 Th. 20:00 20:30

Modern Family Modern Family Verwirrendes Vegas. Comedyserie|Die Erwachsenen reisen zusammen nach Las Vegas. Claire will die Gelegenheit nutzen und das Geld zurückgewinnen, dass sie bei ihrem Mädels-Trip verspielt


25.01.24 Th. 09:20 09:40

Scrubs - Die Anfaenger Scrubs - Die Anfänger Mein schlimmster Fall. Comedyserie|J.D.s neuer Patient Aaron Simon ist ein Despot. Seine Lieblingsbeschäftigung ist es, das Krankenhauspersonal herumzuscheuchen und unflätig z


25.01.24 Th. 08:35 09:00

Hör mal wer da haemmert Hör mal, wer da hämmert Familienplanung. Comedyserie|Eine Freundin von Jill ist trotz Verhütung schwanger geworden. Damit Jill nicht dasselbe passiert, will sie Tim zu einer Vasektomie überreden.


25.01.24 Th. 08:15 08:35

Modern Family: Me Jealous Claire thinks Phils new business partner Greg Kinnear is blatantly inappropriate but Phil doesn t notice while their house is being fumigated Cameron and Mitchell stay with Jay and Gloria.


25.01.24 Th. 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Egg Drop Claire and Jays competitive streaks lead them to take over their kids school projects Phil asks Haley and Gloria to help him with a presentation Mitch and Cam meet with prospective birth mothers.


25.01.24 Th. 00:00 00:30

Scrubs - Die Anfaenger Scrubs - Die Anfänger Mein Student. Comedyserie|J.D., Elliott und Turk zählen inzwischen zum vollwertigen medizinischen Personal der Klinik. Deshalb wird ihnen die Betreuung von Studierenden anvertr


24.01.24 Wed 08:40 09:00

Modern Family: Lifetime Supply When Phil misses a call from his doctor with test results he immediately assumes the worst Javier stops by to take Manny to the horse races Mitchells winning of an environmental law award sparks a com


24.01.24 Wed 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: After the Fire After a fire destroys a neighbors home the whole family tries to help by organizing a community drive.


24.01.24 Wed 00:00 00:30
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